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Donations and Endowments

Every Donation Helps!

Individual and private donations are crucial for our work. The Amadeu Antonio Foundation strives to remain independent and free to criticize policy- and decision-makers, whenever necessary. This is only possible with the support of people like you.

Donations to the Amadeu Antonio Foundation are fully tax deductible to the extent of the law in Germany.

In the United States, the Amadeu Antonio Stiftung is fiscally sponsored by FJC, a 501c3 public charity based in New York. As such, all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

To make your U.S. tax-deductible contribution to the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, please use the button below or make checks payable to FJC, with “Amadeu Antonio Stiftung” in the memo line.

For other payment methods or any questions, please contact our partner:
Laura Hoffman
FJC – A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds
520 Eighth Avenue, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Phone: +1 (212) 714-0001


We greatly appreciate additional donations to our endowment. With this form of support, you have the certainty that your contribution will be maintained in the long run.

The foundation’s capital is strongly invested and thus preserved over time. Only the income is used to fund the foundation’s objectives. In addition, with a bequest to the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, you can direct money or assets from your estate to a useful charitable purpose over the long term.

Please contact us if you have any questions. We will be happy to provide you with any information and advice you need.

Mitmachen stärkt Demokratie

Engagieren Sie sich mit einer Spende oder Zustiftung!

Neben einer Menge Mut und langem Atem brauchen die Aktiven eine verlässliche Finanzierung ihrer Projekte. Mit Ihrer Spende unterstützen Sie die Arbeit der Stiftung für Demokratie und Gleichwertigkeit.