Supporting the Digital Civil Society
Supporting the Digital Civil Society
The Straßengezwitscher e.V. conveys democratic values with a regional connection to Saxony - online and as a video message. Current events are embedded in the social context. Events on site act as a burning glass for the entire situation in Germany. Another focus is on general topics that are particularly touching on the everyday life and lives of young people. These are topics such as cyberbullying or local participation. In the 3- to 10-minute videos, exposing video clips, statistics or quotes even quickly explains complex issues, without any limitation. Central terms are scrutinized and explained.

The Facebook community #ichbinhier has been committed to a culture of democratic discussion with a clear attitude against all forms of hate speech in social media since December 2016. Today 45,000 people are online and actively engage against prejudices or the spread of false information in social media or commentary columns. Hate Speech is answered with facts and positive, constructive contributions. They set an example of digital civil society for democracy, tolerance, reason and a liberal cosmopolitan mindset. In addition to financial support, offline meetings were made possible in the office space of the foundation.