Promotion prizes and funding programs
Promotion Prizes

The award honors artists and works that use creative means to fight racism and discrimination and stand up for human rights. More information about the Amadeu Antonio Award can be found here.

Once a year, the prize is awarded to honor the commitment of the Saxon democratic civil society. More information about the Saxon Prize for Democracy can be found here.
Funding programs
In addition to our general project funding, which is financed by private donations, there are various funding programs in cooperation with other funders. You can find them here:
Funding initiative "Strengthening Local Civil Society in Shrinking Democratic Spaces in East-Germany" 2020 and 2021
Many civil society initiatives in East-Germany are under enormous pressure. They face hostility from right-wing extremists, encounter indifference in their surroundings, and have difficulty obtaining financial support for their efforts. The Amadeu Antonio Foundation and the Open Society Foundations have responded to these challenges with the funding initiative " Strengthening Local Civil Society in Shrinking Democratic Spaces in East-Germany ". In 2020 and 2021, this initiative supports civil society in East-Germany in joining forces and working together for a vibrant local democratic culture. The Open Society Foundations and the Amadeu Antonio Foundation are providing a total of half a million euros for the funding initiative.
It has already been possible to support 45 projects in eastern Germany, which have advanced cooperation between civil society actors in dealing with developments that pose a threat to democracy and which have strengthened migrant and Jewish self-organizations. By focusing on cooperation projects, local networks were strengthened and young, self-organized initiatives were supported. Three projects are presented here as examples:
After the terrorist attack: Making Jewish perspectives in Halle visible.
The project of the Museum Association Synagogue Gröbzig, the University of Halle-Wittenberg and the Jewish communities of Halle and Dessau in Saxony-Anhalt is an excellent example of collective action of different actors and simultaneous support of self-organizations. The project encourages young Jewish students to share their perspectives on Jewishness with non-Jewish students. In this way, it underscores the need to develop and implement educational concepts about Jewish life and culture that include Jewish perspectives.
Showing diversity in rural Saxony.
The Kommit network in the district of Bautzen, founded in 2019, is emblematic of an inclusive civil society. With its members of late re-settlers, people from the Vietnamese community and refugees from Syria and Afghanistan, the self-organized network of migrants and allies makes visible how many different migrant perspectives exist in the district. The members support each other with the provision of rooms for events and with and expertise and get involved in social debates in the district of Bautzen, which is characterized by right-wing extremist hegemonic efforts.
Standing together in solidarity against agitation - the border-crossing network Oberlausitz
In a pilot project, the association Augen auf - Zivilcourage zeigen e.V. from Oberlausitz in Saxony was selected as a regional player to receive support in expanding a regional network, gaining further qualifications and promoting democratic culture locally. Augen auf e.V. has been active in the field of socio-cultural, human rights-related and democracy-promoting work for 20 years. Clearly positioned and creative, the association organizes cross-border anti-racist soccer tournaments, makes the inhumanity of the European border regime visible or designs humorous posters against the so-called "extremism clause". In 2019, Augen auf e.V. was one of the winners of the Saxon Promotion Prize for Democracy.
In the border triangle between the Czech Republic, Poland and Saxony in Oberlausitz, Augen auf e.V. faces a difficult political situation. The region is a stronghold of right-wing extremist parties and organizations as well as conspiracy ideologues. In nearby Ostritz, neo-Nazis have organized right-wing rock concerts for a long time and organized neo-Nazi comradeships are active. In addition, the organization "Ein Prozent" one of the most important German initiatives of the so-called New Right, has its headquarters in the region. As part of the pilot project, Augen auf e.V. manages a fund to support projects in the districts of Bautzen and Görlitz. Augen auf e.V. conducts outreach talks with cooperation partners and supports them in developing projects and submitting applications. The association also played a key role in the „Karawane der Vernunft“ campaign, in which trade unions, the local theater, and regional alliances against right-wing extremism joined forces to stand up against conspiracy-ideological demonstrations on the B96 highway.
Further information on the strategic orientation and the selection process of the projects within the funding initiative can be found here. In our project overview 2020 and 2021 you will find all projects funded so far within the funding initiative.

stern campaign "MUT against right-wing violence“
Back in 2000, the magazine stern and the Amadeu Antonio Foundation launched the "MUT gegen rechte Gewalt" ("Courage against right-wing violence") campaign. Still important, it encourages more civil courage and provides initiatives with unbureaucratic help against right-wing extremism. As a result, more than 240 projects have already been supported. For more information and to donate to the campaign, click here.

„Melting Pott" Funding campaign together with FC St. Pauli and Ben & Jerry's 2020
Under the motto "Let's melt barriers," Ben & Jerry's, FC St. Pauli and the Amadeu Antonio Foundation have joined forces in the fall of 2019 to promote civic engagement for a diverse and inclusive society. The proceeds from the limited-edition "Melting Pott" ice cream were used to support 41 projects that work against hate and incitement and for people who experience discrimination.
A container meeting place for young people in rural Saxony-Anhalt, training in media competence for grannies against the right, schoolchildren who became „second witnesses“ against anti-Semitism, a parade against discrimination against people with disabilities, and many more: we are thrilled by the creativity and diversity of our funded projects.
You can find an overview of the projects supported by the Amadeu Antonio Foundation as part of the funding campaign in our project overview. For more information on the funding campaign and our cooperation with Ben & Jerry's and FC St. Pauli, please see our campaign press release.

Cooperation with Campact to support civil society in eastern Germany (2019 and 2020)
In spring 2019, the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, in cooperation with the citizens' movement Campact, launched the support campaign "Strengthen civil society - it's up to you!". In the run-up to the local and state elections in Saxony, Brandenburg and Thuringia, targeted support was provioded for local projects and initiatives that are committed to democracy, the rule of law and against right-wing extremism. The Amadeu Antonio Foundation and the citizens' movement Campact provided 100,000 euros for the fund. Information on the funding campaign can be found in this press release.
34 projects in Saxony, Brandenburg and Thuringia were supported by the fund: With festivals and youth camps, young people in rural areas positioned themselves against right-wing extremism. In argumentation and empowerment trainings, activists and those affected made themselves strong against racism. With marketplace tours, poster campaigns or flyer campaigns, committed people networked and strengthened the democratic culture in the context of the state elections. One important goal was not to leave agenda-setting to radical right-wing actors, but to set progressive political themes themselves.
After the state elections in the fall of 2019, Campact once again provided the Amadeu Antonio Foundation with donations totaling 65,000 euros to support the continued engagement of civil society in eastern Germany, which has come under pressure. 27 projects throughout eastern Germany were supported. As part of the cooperation with Campact, cooperation and solidarity among the funded initiatives was also supported through networking meetings in Leipzig, in Erfurt and in the digital space to enable an exchange on strategies for dealing with radical right-wing parties and anti-democratic phenomena.
An overview of the funded projects can be found in our project overview for 2019 and 2020.