How can I receive support from the CURA Victims’ Fund?
How can I receive support from the CURA Victims' Fund?
In order to receive support from the CURA Victims' Fund, contact an advice centre for victims of right-wing violence and submit an application together with your counsellor. Please also inform yourself beforehand with regard to other offers of support for victims of right-wing violence, e.g. through the Hardship Fund at the Federal Justice Office or the Legal Aid Foundation of the German Bar Association.
Your informal written request should include a description of the case:
- What happened?
- Who has been affected?
- Who were the perpetrators?
- What are the indications of a motive for an inhumane act?
- How is the victim(s) doing psychologically and physically? What injuries has/have the victims suffered?
- What material damage has arisen?
- What exactly is help needed for?
- What amount is required?
- Has a complaint been filed? Is a police and/or legal prosecution of the crime underway? In what form?
Where such is available, it is also helpful to enclose media reports as well as evidence of damage to property, expert opinions and photos or invoices for new purchases.
The application must be signed by a person authorised to represent the applicant and must include bank details for the transfer of the approved grant.
Please send the application to:
Opferfonds CURA
Amadeu Antonio Stiftung
Novalisstr. 12
10115 Berlin
You can also contact us at:
If you have any questions, you can also contact us by email. For a data protection compliant encryption use our PGP key.
Incoming applications are continuously evaluated and decided upon within the scope of the available funds. The examination takes 3 to 6 weeks. If the need is particularly urgent, please indicate this in your application, preferably with a time frame.