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In which situations does CURA provide assistance?

In which situations does CURA provide assistance?

A prejudiced or politically motivated attack can take many different forms: from spontaneous verbal and physical attacks on the street or in the supermarket to targeted attacks on shops, institutions or private homes. The perpetrators are not always organised neo-Nazis, but are often so-called everyday racists or people with other pejorative attitudes. The attacks are therefore no less serious. CURA provides swift and unbureaucratic financial assistance to help those affected cope with such traumatic events.


We provide support for:


  • All those affected – whether individuals or associations and organisations, people with a migration background, young people engaged in activism, homeless people, people with disabilities or other people affected by acts of prejudice or politically motivated violence
  • Necessary medical treatment that is not covered by health insurance
  • Measures to help people get back into everyday life following an assault (e.g. psychological support)
  • Legal fees or similar costs arising as a result of an assault
  • Financial, existential emergencies caused by an assault
  • The repair of damage to property
  • The implementation of security measures.


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